GENERAL INFORMATION  is provided by LULU—LAND ApS with the registered address:

Guldbergsgade 57,
 DK-2200 Copenhagen N
 VAT DK-41087935
If you experience any problems with the website or your order placed on the website, please don't hesitate to contact us.

You have the right to withdraw from your purchase within 14 days after delivery.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, you should always use the return guide included in your parcel or follow the return guide here.
We accept the following means of payment:
  • Stripe
  • PayPal

Your payment will be charged when your goods leave our suppliers.

Sometimes things happen that we can't foresee. We are not responsible for delays or failure to meet our obligations, if the delay or the non-compliance is due to events beyond our control.

We do our best to update the website and ensure that prices, offers, descriptions and other information concerning the goods are correct. Type errors and errors in prices, offers, descriptions and other information concerning the goods may occur. We reserve the right to correct such errors when necessary.

Our Terms & Conditions may be updated from time to time (e.g. to reflect changes in technology, our business model, our system capacity or changes to relevant legislation and regulations).
We ask you to accept our Terms & Conditions each time you are make a purchase. You will not be given notification of any such changes.
The Terms & Conditions that were applicable, and that you accepted when you made your purchase, will be the once that apply to your order.
Any contracts concluded between us using these Terms & Conditions are governed by Danish law. Any dispute, which may arise in connection with our contract, including its existence or validity, must be brought before a Danish court.

© 2022 LULU—LAND ApS
Terms & conditions