Written by
Louise Bøgeskov Hou

"Popcorn Brain - Eating Chaos for Breakfast"


This is scary. For as long as I can remember, I have dreamed of writing a book. An actual real book. Like a book book. Not just any book, but a book that means something to me and has the potential to make a real difference to others. When I came up with the term “Popcorn Brain,” I knew that was it. My entire life, I’ve had the feeling of being different somehow. I’ve spent a considerable amount of time trying to figuring out why. Popcorn Brain is a reflection of this.

Through the process of defining what it means to have a Popcorn Brain, I realized that I’m not alone. Some have a Popcorn Brain by default; others experience to have a brain that “pops” occasionally or in periods of their lives. The book will explain the term, and provide strategies, methods, and tools to help structure “popcorn” thoughts, balance key areas of life, and gain/regain a sense of direction and purpose.

I promise I’ll do my absolute best to create a creative community that will be truly inspiring, worth following and being a part of. Moreover, I’ll keep you updated on the writing process and make Popcorn Brain strategies, methods, and tools available here on LULU—LAND.


No brain is exactly the same. A Popcorn Brain is a brain that pops a lot of thoughts and ideas, fast. It works perfectly well by its own set of rules. But rears at conformity. Some have a Popcorn Brain by default; others experience to have a brain that “pops” occasionally.

A Popcorn Brain doesn’t have a shortage of attention. It pays too much attention to everything. It can easily have four or five chains of thought going on simultaneously, at any given time. It can fast-forward from A to D, without considering B or C, and jump to solutions that no one else can see. It’s brilliant at absorbing new knowledge, understanding patterns, and assessing situations and information at the speed of lightning, which often makes it exceptionally accurate in predicting future events and outcomes.

It can simplify complexity, and it’s great at focusing on the bigger picture and visioning the future. It’s terrifically creative, intuitive, and adventurous. It can be highly imaginative and simply loves to explore new ideas. It’s curious and often thrives being challenged or thrown into a competitive environment. Some popcorn brains even tend to have a higher risk tolerance and thus become more natural entrepreneurs.

A Popcorn Brain can be so passionate about something that it can go into a stage of hyper-focus or flow that makes it able to forget everything else, including basic needs. Popcorn brains tend to be highly adaptive, and they’re greatly affected by their surroundings. For better and for worse. It makes them outstanding at dealing with change, but it can also make them insecure and question everything and everyone at once.

Popcorn brains excel at procrastination, as they tend to be sidetracked quickly and easily distracted by outside stimuli, as well as by internal thoughts and mind wandering. This might also explain an often highly developed ability to work and make decisions in high-pressure and chaotic environments. Popcorn brains “eat” chaos for breakfast.

A Popcorn Brain is wonderful and lively, but it can also be sensitive. It’s like a turbocharged engine that can go really fast. The only problem is that sometimes it goes too fast.

Popcorn brains can be impulsive and hyperactive. Some overtly hyperactive, others hyperactive internally. Restlessness is often one of a Popcorn Brain’s greatest strengths, as it can be turned into a powerful drive that makes it able to reach goals others might think of as crazy and impossible. However, it’s double-edged as restlessness also makes popcorn brains struggle at times. It’s a feeling that can make it hard to be present and stay in the same for too long. Popcorn brains have no respect for the status quo.

Having a Popcorn Brain can be both confusing and frustrating. It can make you restless, fidgety, and easily bored when it doesn’t feel like the outside world can keep up and become overwhelming when you’re the one who can’t keep up. A Popcorn Brain is fantastic, but it can also throw you off balance from time to time.

Many popcorn brains have had the feeling of being a misfit, in one way or the other. Despite that, most popcorn brains wouldn’t change anything if they could. Popcorn Brain has become an essential part of who they are.

Whether you are born with a Popcorn Brain, or it’s something that you experience occasionally, the strategies, tools, and methods in this book can help you structure your thoughts and clear your mind. It can help you focus, keep that focus, and set actionable goals as well as identifying your core values, give you a sense of direction and help you balance key areas of life.

I didn’t invent any of these strategies, methods, or tools. I somehow stumbled upon them along my way. I combined and developed them to work for myself and my Popcorn Brain. I hope that they’ll be as helpful to you, as they have been to me.


Copyright © Unpublished Work 2019—All rights reserved


Please, write if you have feedback or comments. I'd appreciate :)


I'm looking for representation. Don't hesitate to get in contact with me at, if you find the book interesting and want to know more. [Currently, figuring how to write a book proposal]


I'm looking for entrepreneurs, creatives, artists, writers, poets, etc. who can relate to "Popcorn Brain" and would like to contribute to the book with their interpretation of the term. Please, write me at if you are interested and want to know more.